Friday, February 4, 2011

The Blessing of Birdseed

My desk sits in our little front room, and is surrounded on the north and east by windows that look into our front yard. This morning, as I was wrestling with a particularly difficult section of an assignment on diversity, I noticed some movement on the ground outside that north window. There were ring-necked doves, a few starlings, two jays, a cardinal and a woodpecker, a handful of sparrows, one little junco- and happiness! a robin- all pecking about hopefully on the little square of exposed earth between the two pine trees. Not seeing anything resembling food out there, I remembered the bag of seed sitting outside my front door, and went to remedy this situation.

I sprinkled birdseed liberally over the exposed earth, and came back inside. Just a few minutes later, there they all were- and are- happily pecking about under the tree, cheek by jowl, no fighting, just happy munching.

There are people out there that get angry if a starling eats out of their bird-feeder. Did you know that? Eh, not me- I'll take whoever comes along. Diversity in nature- as in society- can be enriching. We need not be afraid. We need not be selfish. Consider the birds of the air- today, anyway- they met peacefully under my pine trees.

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